Friday, March 12, 2010

Hop on This: The Boyfriend Curse

It goes without saying that there are many things to enjoy about being in a committed relationship. We all know what those things are: affection, companionship...BLAHBLAHBLAH! But of course, there are some things that aren't as appealing. From navigating the murky waters of commitment to the actual process of learning to love efficiently- there are many things that can make relationships less than desirable. Lets talk about one, something I like to call "The Boyfriend Curse."

The Boyfriend Curse- advernoun; a dysfunction in social interaction usually indicated by some single males aversion to platonic interaction with taken ladies or women otherwise uninterested in sleeping with them.

I consider myself a relatively social being. I love to chat it up with friends I know and potential friends I don't know. I like to meet a diversity of people: men, women, and other. But I have found that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to interact with SINGLE individuals of opposite sex, in meaningful, yet non-commital or non-romantic ways.

I was recently having a conversation with a young gentlemen at a friends get together. Everything was great. We laughed, talked for awhile and then he asked THE question. Now of course he didn't say, Do you have a man? The best ones don't. They usually ask some ambiguous inquiry that is designed to get a feel for where you stand in the dichotomy of Taken versus Fair Game without giving themselves away: "So what brings you out this way?", "So what do you do for fun?", "Where are you heading tonight?" all of which they hope will signal to them whether you are a GO or just a speed bump. For me, especially if I am being honest, the answer will most often get them what they are looking for: "Well my BOYFRIEND lives here..." or " Sometimes I hang out with friends, but mostly my BOYFRIEND and I..." or "Probably just going home to see my BOYFRIEND..."

Once they figure out which category I fall into, they either press further or divert to the next possibly available woman. This usually comes in the form of "I need to refill my drink" or the conversation simply quickly trickling off into an uncomfortable silence. Now lets be clear, I'm only in the market for a little good conversation, but it seems that the state of affairs wont even allow for this. Is there no gray area, where people no matter their "marital" status can just enjoy each others company and conversation?

You tell me. Hop on this and Share your comments below.

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