About KF Diaries

Kissing Frogs...
...the search for the charmed life, Prince charming and everything in between. Don't be fooled by the title this blog is NOT the wailing of two lonely young black women scorned; in fact it is anything but. We are here to share our special way of navigating this crazy world of LEAPS LAUGHTER and LOVE. The 20-somethings can be an enthralling and fabulous time with many obstacles and even more victories. This is the product of way too many hours of phone calls about the frustrations and hilarities of life. We figured, we CANT be the only ones going through this? Yes, we will talk about men, we happen to be two women who LOVE men, but we promise this is way more than that. Kissing Frogs is everything you talk about with your friends during periodic catch up sessions as well as your secret longings-- the things you feel silly for wanting but want nonetheless. We hope to make you laugh and probably say Amen with a post or two. More than anything, we want you to know that you are NOT alone so relax, go ahead and take that leap into life and....love? And if something doesn't work out...we'll probably make you laugh about it!

Meet the Frog Kisser: Holly GoLightly
Kissing all the wrong frogs might seem like a bad idea, unless you're Holly Golightly who's enjoying almost every minute of it. The life-long single girl lives (and especially dates) by the mantra, "If practice makes perfect ... I better get more practice!" The southern belle's sense of humor and unique encounters have given her a very interesting perspective on life. Like her 'Breakfast at Tiffanys' namesake, Holly just wants to find the forever she never knew she was looking for or even wanted.

Meet the Frog Catcher: Rated M

Rated M is the quintessential romantic, but far from hopeless. As a matter of fact, she is taking the single life by the reigns, never thinking twice, and always jumping feet first.She has her eyes on the prize and whatever she wants, she gets. M prides herself on having some old fashioned sensibilities, mixed with a few new era dispositions on life and love—but true to form she is always partial to that happy ending. Rated M's new redefined perspective on love and life is taking this urban frog princess on quite a journey to her happily ever after. She's giving it to you straight, no chase. For Mature Audiences only.


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