Tuesday, March 29, 2011

because if you dont stand for something....

Disclaimer: If you looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its an Hword.

We have all heard the stories about the plight of single black women, the perpetually lonely female stereotype, that has become all too familiar in recent years. Every news outlet and relationship guru has taken a crack at trying to figure out just why it is Black females cant seem to catch a break when it comes to love and relationships. Whether you buy into either side of the divide, there has been a third side that hasn't been thoroughly investigated. And while some might see this perspective as pure foolywang (maybe it is), it has come to my attention that I must be silent no more as the tom-eff-ery is at an all time high. So humor me for a bit.

It is spring time and  love is truly in the air. And as I survey the prospects of my inner and outer circles it is apparent that there are some semblances of progress towards restoring Black love. However, experiences of the last few days have led me to believe three facts: Hwords are waging a war. Hwords are winning. Hwords must be stopped.

If you want to know why Black women are having such a hard time getting into substantive relationships, do not blame improved professional and educational trajectories, shortages in eligible bachelors, or rampant disease and devastation. It is not undercover brothers or the gout that's got us losing. Blame Hwords. Yes, I said it. Hwords by design, are straying the market value of integrity, modesty, and dare I say it, self respect. In this new market, smuts and tramps are monopolizing the industry, where rachetness is the only relevant currency. So here I am, trying to buy American assets with Somolian Shillings. What I am selling, few are buying.

I originally made the mistake of thinking that Hwords were the exception to the rule. I thought they were just a relatively minute sect of  degenerates living in their own lawless modern day Sodom and Gommorah. But, Oh contrare. Hwords are everywhere. Hide your kids, Hide your wife. They are in your inner circle. They follow you on twitter. They sit next to you in church. Lawless women who have over estimated the power of their hotladyboxes and decided that they will stay relevant BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. By hook or crook. By hook or crook. Newsflash: being a Hword will not get you a good man or strong relationship. Being an Hword just makes it that much harder for everybody else to get/keep one.

What really burns my biscuits is that Hwords have the audacity to believe that what they do has no impact on anyone other than themselves, which is totally  false. You being a duck effects us all. Everytime you do something slutatious you make it that much harder for the next woman to garner respect from said individual. Everytime you let somebody talk to you like a plum fool, you make it that much harder for the next woman to be taken seriously. This world is all about the quick, fast, and easy. Nobody wants to put in work for anything. If he can have it 'easy' with you, why would he want to work for me? And don't give me that 'men should have  higher standards' bull. Men are lazy, simple creatures of habit. And they will respond to the standards of the environment in which they exist. It is up to us to set those expectations and then live up to it.

Understanding the ripple effect of said sloredom, will help put in perspective the true plight of black women. Hwords are raging genocide on respectable Black men and women with the lust of their loins and ignorance. Hwords are killing the black family. You have been warned.

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