Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Relationship Test

Once a year we are given a unique opportunity to learn valuable lessons about the relationships we have built during the previous year. Yes there are other opportunities but I'm only focusing on the one that comes every year without fail. Every year on my birthday I learn who is really down for the Holly G. cause. It's really simple, the people who love you, the people who want the best for you, the people you SHOULD consider your team will always, always show up for you. Now life gets crazy so they may not physically be there but if they're really down for team YOU there presence will most definitely be felt.

Some may say, 'Why, birthdays shouldn't your team always be there'? Well of course. However, the truth is on a day to day we only need ourselves and God to make it happen. Your support system is there to get you through the rough patches, to remind you you can do it, that how they got the support system title. I honestly believe it is easier to find a rider when you're going through a rough patch- everyone wants to be someone's everything/savior/captain save a hoe. How many people will be there when everything is just fine, just to celebrate you? The realest of real will show up when its all about you, to make sure that it is in fact ALL ABOUT YOU (at least for that day). They will smile and laugh, bite their tongues when you get to drunk and start cursing everyone out or to make you forget about all the people proved they were not down for team you.

This level of love and friendship requires more than a kind word, it requires an unselfish heart and a little thoughtful dedication. When I think back to the past few birthdays there are some consistent figures that have made it truly special whether they were sitting right next to me while I blew out the candles or sent their love and positive vibes from hundreds of miles away. This observation has also urged me to call some relationships into question and make the necessary adjustments. At this point in our lives we do not have time to carry dead weight. The next time you blow those candles out take a little inventory.

 Just a little something for my team!

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