Monday, January 24, 2011

Chop It Down and Burn the Remains

I am a relationship builder, that's what I do. I meet people, I decide if I like them and then I build a relationship. I am speaking very generally when I say relationship. I make some people play cousins, some booskis, some boo daddies, some best friends, etc. The point is, I collect people like pageant queens collect crowns. As a product of the AUC I have fully adopted the philosophy of never burning a bridge. Lately, I realized my people collecting has reached 'Hoarders' magnitude and I need an intervention! For the first time in my life it may in fact be time to chop down a few bridges and burn all the remains. That might be a little extreme, but it is indeed time to purge because some of these people are really just wasting space.

How did I reach this conclusion? My phone. Taking a short trip through the contacts list in my phone produce lots of blank stares and 'Wow, I haven't talked to him/her in forever' and a few negative remarks that I dare not type. Point being, my contact list is symbolic of all these pointless relationships in my life. When they were spouting that 'some people are for a season and some are for a lifetime' saying it really fell on deaf ears; but now I get the point. If you keep seasonal people around all year you won't have room for the new seasonal people that I are supposed to come in your life and teach you something. Additionally, some people just really don't deserve to be collected. The dusty, the trifflin', the compulsive liar, the thief; it's easy to let them go, they burn their own bridges. It's the ones who are good people, fun to be around, at least moderately attractive that are hard to let go of.

If you can't immediately identify someone's 'value added' quality, they must go! Upon completing a recent inventory of my collection I have developed a short list of the friends everyone should collect and keep.

The Shoulder to Lean & Cry On 
The name speaks for itself. Sometimes things go wrong, plans fall apart and you need to have a breakdown. This person will let you cry and feel sorry for yourself for a minimum of 10 minutes while patting your back, giving you some tissue and a big hug. The most significant contribution of this person is what they do AFTER you've cried it all out. They remind you of the bright side and  help you dust yourself off so you can start again.

The Prayer Partner
Before you laugh and after you've cried you will definitely solicit the prayers of this Saint. You never worry about being judged, and you know two things: 1. you're loved and 2. they will consistently go to God on your behalf.

The Comic Relief
This person ALWAYS has a joke, story or impression to make you laugh, even when that's the last thing you want to do and yet the very thing you need to do.

The Social Butterfly
Is everyone getting together for a night out or do you have absolutely nothing to do? Well this is the person to call, he/she knows where to go and consistently orchestrates the best group dynamics. If they're  good you're probably going to skip the line, not pay or go straight to VIP and if they're really good you'll so all three.

The Coin Counter
This financial guru is going to tell you what to do with your money and when you should do it to make sure you don't blow it all. This friend is NOT to be confused with the cheap can let that bish go! Our twenties is a funny time, this person will make sure your money isn't.

The Platonic Husband/Wife
If you do not have one friend of the opposite sex as a go-to person in your life GO GET ONE! This person will provide you with invaluable advice especially when you think you don't need it. Strangers may think you and this person are either related or dating, don't get any ideas though.

The Relative Connection
Everyone has different family dynamics but we all have at least one family member that's cool enough to also be a friend, even if it's just at the family reunion.

The Cure
These days doctors aren't making house calls but your friend might. You may need a second opinion, an expert opinion or just a prescription and this friend can handle ALL of that.

The Laterian
Because sometimes you need to do "hoodrat things with yo friends".

The Legal Eagle
All that kickin' it with Laterian finally caught up with you, decided to start that business, need a second set of eyes on a contract? While they're services may not be free you know this attorney can be trusted and hopefully won't beat you over the head with his/her rates.

If I've omitted any essentials leave them in the comment section.

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