Monday, August 2, 2010

Doing a little Housekeeping

So I'll make this quick. Please excuse our infinite ratchetness for not being around for 3 months a little while. I think we all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things, and though Holly and I have many strengths, juggling all of our many responsibilities can be just plain overwhelming sometimes. Big thanks for sticking with us.

Apologies out of the way, when did 20-something get so dang crazy??? I thought being young, fabulous, and 20-ish was all about being on top of everything- making your dreams come true, kicking ass and taking names, take no prisoners, do what you feel, ball-til-we-fall, all-i-do-is-win, rockstarlifestylemightdontmakeit, etc? It looks like lately, I'm the one who's ass is getting kicked. Can we say overwhelmed? In the past 3 months I've taken on new financial responsibilities, quit and picked up several jobs, moved clear across the country, and am now gearing up for what I fully expect to be the most enlightening (fiscal) year of my life. Yet, in all of my infinite optimism, I'm honestly exhausted....but happy...moving towards contentment.

For the past 3 months, I've struggled to find the work/life balance and the biggest conclusion I've come to, at the tender age of 24 is, I just cant do it like I used to!!!  I can remember a time not too long ago where all-nighters were commonplace and I took them on like I had nothing to lose.(Then, I really didn't have anything to lose) I can also remember when I could actually physically sleep (long) past 8am. Is that like a secret rule in the grown-up guidebook on rising with the chickens NO MATTER how late (or early) you went to bed? (sidenote: I judge people who sleep all day... but I digress) For this particular reason, I have found living the single, sexy and FREE life taking a new more realistic and sane form.

We all know its all about balance, and the first step to getting myself back on track after this summer whirlwind, was prioritizing the things that were most important. On the list, my vision board. If you don't have one, get one.period. Let it be a dynamic reflection of your best self, 5 years, 10 years from now.  Second, communicating more effeciently. Sometimes, in our youthful naivete we bite off more than we can literally chew. Yes, you are fabulous, NO you cannot do it all. Its really important to know what you can handle and how to communicate effeciently to get the things you need. Third, planning. This cannot be more underrated. When I think of all the fabulous people I admire, they all have one common thread: preparation. They know where they are, know where they have been, and know exactly where they are going because they have structured their lives in a systematized fashion. Whether organized chaos or meticulous calculation- the happiest, most successful people are deliberate people. Last, forgive myself. Sometimes we can be our own biggest critic. And when we get off track and out of wack, we can cause ourselves so much unnecessary damage by beating ourselves into oblivion.I've been guilty of spending so much time on the what-ifs that I miss the opportunity. Sometimes, you gotta get a little f-it in your system. Better luck next time. Try again later. Just don't make the same mistakes. I guess. (I'm still SO figuring this one out)

In short, because that was long- Adulthood is like nothing and everything I expected it to be. Word of the week: Order. Find it. Need some practical application strategies? I'm going to start by cleaning up my bedroom, lol. Like my life, its been a total wreck. If you're anything like me- my space often reflects the intensity of my life at the moment. I'm excited to welcome some much needed order in.

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